Baby- und Stillbegleitung

Breastfeeding and Postpartum Period Preparation

The prenatal class "Relaxed Breastfeeding and Postpartum Period" provides comprehensive preparation for the time after birth and the entire breastfeeding period.

After the birth of a baby, everything turns upside down. Suddenly you are challenged around the clock and often overwhelmed by everything that such a sweet little baby brings with it: sleepless nights, hormonal changes (baby blues!), a strange feeling because perhaps the "unconditional love" doesn't come straight away and also breastfeeding, which may not be as easy as you imagined!

The good news is:

With the right knowledge before birth, you can approach this time in a relaxed manner!

Prenatal birth preparation classes primarily discuss the birth (which is also important!) and the postpartum period is often barely discussed. The topic of breastfeeding often doesn't come up at all, except that people might be advised to "prepare" the breast (please don't do that!!). Hardly any pregnant woman knows what to expect before she has her first child!

Breastfeeding is the most natural thing in the world, but unfortunately it's not the easiest one. That's why it's very important to deal with this issue before  birth so that breastfeeding can be successful.

The Bergstrampler prenatal breastfeeding and postpartum period class will show you what to expect during the first few weeks after birth and how you can optimally prepare for this time before birth. You will also learn anything important for the iniation of breastfeeding (first latching after birth, bonding, latching positions), how to help yourself in case of breastfeeding problems (first aid, breastfeeding-friendly supplementary feeding) and much more!

By means of these prenatal classes you will be able to concentrate on what is really important during the postpartum period: Getting to know your sweet little baby ad building a deep inner bond with him!

The classes consist of a general part (1st day), in which dads are also welcome, and a more practically oriented part (2nd day).

Location: Klinik St. Elisabeth, Heidelberg

Book here

Upcoming classes:

Saturday 25.01./ Sunday 26.01.2025, 10 am - 1 pm (German)

Saturday 22.02./Sunday 23.02.2025. 10 am - 1 pm (English)

Saturday 29.03./ Sunday 30.03.2025, 10 am - 1 pm (German) 

Saturday 05.07./ Sunday 06.07.2025, 10 am - 1 pm (German) 

Saturday 18.10./ Sunday 19.10.2025, 10 am - 1 pm (German)

Additional english classes are possible with 3 or more participants.


