Baby- und Stillbegleitung

Breastfeeding Support

Since the breastfeeding relationship between you and your baby is constantly changing, there are always new questions that can arise over the course of breastfeeding. No matter whether your baby is still very small and you need help with initial problems or your child is already receiving solid food, I will be happy to help you with any questions or problems. Thanks to my training as a lactation consultant, I can accompany you throughout the entire breastfeeding period.

Since breastfeeding is a very intimate topic, many questions can best be answered in a personal meeting. That's why I cordially invite you to come to my breastfeeding and baby office in Gaiberg for a personal consultation. If this is not possible, e.g. due to long distances, online video consultation or telephone consultation is also possible.

The cost of a consultation depends on the duration. A detailed initial consultation usually lasts at least an hour. Afterwards, shorter follow-up consultations are often sufficient.

Individual Consultation: 

Office Gaiberg or Online/Phone: 60€/60Min (billed is every started quarter of an hour)

Home visit (Newborn): 70€/60Min + Call-out fee (billed is every started quarter of an hour)
