Baby- und Stillbegleitung

Baby-Café Gaiberg - Meet other parents, pregnant women and breastfeeding moms

Join our Baby-Café in Gaiberg! Meet other pregnant women and parents and get answers to your questions regarding baby care and nutrition during the first year of life. All babys and parents are welcome - regardless wether breastfed or not!

We meet each Tuesday from 9:30 to 11 am at BürgerForum in Gaiberg (Hauptstraße 44). The café is closed during school holidays in Baden-Würrtemberg.

  • Baby-Café - der offene Elterntreff in Gaiberg
  • "Milch-Ecke" im Baby-Café Gaiberg
  • Eingang zum Baby-Café Gaiberg
  • Baby-Café Gaiberg

Funded by STÄRKE-Programm. Attendence free.

